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Shady Characters

When I first started gardening, I carefully planned gardens in the sunniest location on my property, filling these areas to overflowing with blossoms. Then, over the years, I moved to new houses that required gardens in shaded sites. Although originally frustrated that I couldn't achieve the same showy displays, I ultimately discovered that there was something appealing about gardening in the shade. Magical things happened when plants were placed under the protection of a large tree canopy
Shade prevents the soil from drying out.
Weeds are easier to control.
 Many shade plants are perennial; spread easily; and require less attention each year .
Brilliant greens stand out in the lower light.
White leaves "glow in the dark".
Glossy leaves shimmer.
Leaf textures and shapes add interest and tactile pleasure.
Subtle colors stand out, even without blossoms.
Yellow leaves radiate their own sunlight.
I've come to appreciate the subtle beauty of shade gardens. If you're just beginning to explore shade gardening, Carolyn Harstad's Got Shade and Larry Hodgson's Making the Most of Shade are excellent resources. 

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