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Local Harvest

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     One of the benefits of living in Dutchess County is our close proximity to agricultural land.  Not only do we have one local farm, but we're lucky enough to have choices.  Between our own gardens, the CSA's, farm stands, and town farm market, we can significantly minimize our ecological footprint.  Our food does not have to travel across the globe, carrying with it the negative environmental impacts.  We have the option of buying a major portion of our food locally grown with organic, natural, or conventional methods. If you have not yet connected with a local farmer, the Local Harvest website contains information about USA local farms based on zip codes.  The following farms are in, or within one mile of, Pawling:

Carter Farm
 1.      The Carter Farm, will be accepting ten people in their small organic CSA this growing season, and selling produce at the Pawling Farm Market:    

 2.      Dykeman’s Farm is a conventional farm that has been providing our town with their famous corn, as well as an assortment of other produce for many years. They sell produce from their farm stand on West Dover Road and the Pawling Farmer’s Market:

 3.      Kessman Farms offer conventionally grown produce at their stand on Route 22 and at a variety of farm market locations.  Their Route 22 location is also a garden center which carries some organic gardening products for local gardeners:  

 4.      Cascade Farm (less than one mile south of Pawling) is offering 75 shares of naturally grown produce through its CSA this season.  They also have a farm stand for non-CSA members at their Harmony Road location every Saturday morning:

     With so many local options available, everyone can join the "local foods movement".

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