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Frustrated by Pawling's Recycling Limitations?
     On World Water Day, I blogged about a carting company that would recycle many items that our local, Pawling, recycling center doesn't accept:
Plastics #3, #5, and #7 
Telephone books, paperback books, junk mail (including envelopes and coupons)
All dry, loose or bagged white and colored ledgers
Copy paper, note pads, loose-leaf fillers, computer print-outs
Single wall, non-corrugated boxes used to package dry food
Cereal boxes, shoe boxes and other similar packaging
Paper egg cartons, construction paper 
I hoped that by using their facility monthly to recycle items our town’s recycling refuses, I could increase the volume of my recycling and therefore lessen my water use. 
     Today, after collecting these items (junk mail, school workbooks and loose leaf, non-corrugated cardboard, and # 5 plastics) for three months, I took a trip to the Royal Carting Company, on Route 82 in Hopewell Junction, to see what they would actually accept.  
      The people were pleasant, helpful, and accepted all items to be recycled for free. They said sorting is not even necessary, which will make storage easier. Since I do most of my recycling at the Pawling Transfer Station, I do not need that much space for the materials Pawling will not accept.  My goal to go monthly can be modified to quarterly.  Today, I was able to stop on my way to another errand in the area, so I didn't have to waste gas in an effort to save water.

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