When you need a phone number, are you more likely to use the internet than the yellow pages? In our house, because we so often utilize search engines, many of our “yellow books” collect dust on the shelf, unopened, waiting to be recycled.
Lori Bongiorno, author of the Conscious Consumer Blog, described the simple process of opting out of the paper yellow pages:
- Go to yellowpagesoptout.com. Enter your ZIP code. You'll see a list of the phone books that you're eligible to receive.
- Register on the site. You need to include a valid email address and phone number along with your home address.
- You'll then receive a temporary password via email. Log in, change your password, and then click the "Opt-Out" tab at the top of the page and select which directories you receive. You can opt-out of everything or choose to receive which phone books are useful to you.
The process was exactly as she described; it took just a few minutes. If it works, I’ll soon have more shelf room for all the gardening books that seem to cascade from my side table.
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