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Save the Bogs, For Peat's Sake

coco brick  (
     Over the last twenty years I’ve worked gradually to create gardens that are native, organic, and sustainable.  The Union of Concerned Scientists recently published five tips to creating a climate friendly garden. The first tip is: “Choose low-emission garden products and practices: Gasoline-powered garden tools are major emitters of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary global warming gas. But emissions can also come from unexpected sources such as fossil fuel-based fertilizers and pesticides and peat-based potting mixes. Use electric or push mowers, rakes, and other low- or no-emission tools, compost, and natural pest-control methods.”
Peat bog being harvested.    (
     Over the years I've eliminated pesticides and chemical fertilizers from my garden.  I have invested in some quality hand tools that make gardening easier, and used compost extensively. The one thing I continued to use, although sparingly, was peat to start my seedlings. When I bought a bag a few years ago because I didn't know what else to use, I promised myself it would be my last.  So this year I researched replacement material.  I discovered a product, coco peat (made from coconut husk fiber or coir), that resembles peat’s qualities,  yet is renewable (no peat bogs are depleted).  I ordered some coco peat seed starting pellets, and bricks that will expand to use in a seed blocker.    
coco pellets   (
     I’ll let you know how they work in a few months.  In the meantime, one “tip” down…four to go. 
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some online sources for coco peat products are:  
If you discover a local source to purchase coco peat, let me know.

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