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Flavoring Vinegar with Fresh Herbs

Perennial herbs are bushing out in the garden, ready to be harvested to add varied flavors to vinegars.  
Flavoring vinegars with fresh herbs is quick, simple, and one of the sweetest smelling tasks of summer.
The best time to pick herbs is in the morning when they are still damp with the morning dew. 
 Rinse herbs in a large bowl of water and strain. 
(Add 1 tsp. bleach to the water to sterilize, if you choose.)
 Pour ½ - ¾ cup of vinegar out of a gallon jug to allow room for the herbs.
 Push clean leaves into the vinegar and return the cap.
Store in cool dark place for a month.
Strain the vinegar and pour it into smaller glass bottles to use throughout the year.

The vinegar’s flavor can be intensified by adjusting the amount of herbs added and the length of time they remain in the vinegar.

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