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A Local, Sustainable, Apple a Day

Do you wish you could bite into the crunchy, sweet, juicy fruit daily to follow the “an apple a day” health tip, but worry about the amount of pesticides you’d be ingesting?  Apples often appear in lists of the dirty dozen because they rank high in pesticide residue.  It’s a quandary; they’re such a healthy food, laden with excess pesticides.  The answer, of course, is to find apples that are grown with less pesticides, so the negatives don’t outweigh the positives. A trip to Fishkill Farms one of these beautiful fall days, may be part of the solution.
Invigorated by the autumn morning chill, my friend and I walked along the well marked paths--distracted by the panoramic views of distant mountains--looking for the farm’s Macoun apple trees.  

The trees were overburdened with ripe fruit, and we eagerly unburden them.

The trees were lush with appealing fruit. All the apples on the farm are certified by Eco Apple because of the low-spray, environmentally-friendly techniques implemented.  The five acre "organic block" grows crops without using synthetic pesticides or fertilizers--a rare find locally.  

Our bags were quickly becoming too heavy to carry, so we journeyed back through the beautifully laid out orchard to the farm stand. After paying for our fifty pound haul, we headed home to share a portion of the harvest with our families, and preserve the bulk of it for the winter.  Over the next few weeks, some of the apples will be dehydrated, some canned as a sauce, and others cooked down into butter. We’ll be able to indulge in the pleasures of this delicious, local, sustainably grown fruit daily, all year long.